PlantBot Genetics established the Moth Project to draw attention to the decline of bees and emphasize the crucial role of pollinators in our environment. Through a range of public events, exhibitions, educational outreach, field guides, mothing parties, and dinners, the project offers direct experiential activities that promote backyard naturalism and citizen science. These initiatives aim to encourage individuals to actively engage with their surroundings and contribute to the understanding and preservation of pollinators.
Beneficial Pollinators
Did you know that one of every three bites of food depends on pollinators? Honeybees, bumble bees, moths, birds, and small mammals pollinate over 90% of the planet's flowering plants and one-third of human food crops.
Birds, Bees, Flowers, and Trees
The vast majority, around 90%, of flowering plants rely on the assistance of animals to transfer pollen from one flower to another, enabling the production of fruits and seeds. Among these pollinators are approximately 200,000 species of beneficial insects, including bees, flies, beetles, wasps, ants, butterflies, and moths. Additionally, there are about 1,000 species of vertebrate pollinators, such as birds, bats, lizards, and small mammals.
When it comes to supporting our native bees, it is advisable to prioritize native plants. Below is a list of plants that serve as excellent sources of nectar and pollen for bees. While this compilation is not exhaustive, it provides a variety of plants suitable for different environments. Remember that specific species may not be available in your local area, so consulting a wildflower guide or contacting local nurseries can help identify the appropriate plants for your region.
It's important to note that many plants sold at larger stores may contain Neonicotinoid Pesticides. These pesticides are absorbed into the plant tissues and can be found in pollen and nectar, making them toxic to bees and other pollinators. Many treated plants are not labeled, so seek out plants free of Neonicotinoid pesticides or consider buying organic seeds and growing your own plants. Additionally, reaching out to neighbors or relatives with heritage gardens can be a valuable source for obtaining plants beneficial to bees and other pollinators.
Native St. Louis Area Plants:
Common Name Scientific Name
Aster Aster
Beebalm Monarda
Blazing star Liatris
Cup plant Silphium
Wild indigo Baptisia
Fireweed Chamerion
Goldenrod Solidago
Giant hyssop Agastache
Ironweed Vernonia
Joe Pye weed Eupatorium
Leadplant Amorpha
Lobelia Lobelia
Lupine Lupinus
Milkweed Asclepias
New Jersey tea Ceanothus
Obedient plant Physostegia
Penstemon Penstemon
Prairie clover Dalea
Purple coneflower Echinacea
Rattlesnake master Eryngium
Spiderwort Tradescantia
Steeplebush Spiraea
Sunflower Helianthus
Willow Salix
Choose the Right Flowers
To help bees and other pollinator insects—like butterflies—you should provide a range of plants that will offer a succession of flowers that provide pollen and nectar throughout the growing season. Patches of foraging habitat can be created in many different locations, from backyards and school grounds to golf courses and city parks. Even a small area planted with the right flowers will be beneficial, for each patch will add to the mosaic of habitat available to bees, moths, and other pollinators.
In such a short fact sheet, it is impossible to give detailed lists of suitable plants for all areas of the Upper Midwest. Below are two lists of good bee plants, the first of native plants and the second of garden plants. Both are short lists; there are many more bee-friendly plants. However, these lists, combined with the following notes, will get you started on selecting good bee plants. Your local chapters of the Wild Ones, the Native Plant Society, and native plant nurseries are worthwhile contacts for advice on choosing, obtaining, and caring for local plant species.
• Use local native plants. Research suggests native plants are four times more attractive to native bees than exotic flowers. Heirloom varieties of herbs and perennials in gardens can also provide good foraging.
• Choose several colors of flowers. Flower colors that mainly attract native bees are blue, purple, violet, white, and yellow.
• Plant flowers in clumps. Flowers clustered into clumps of one species will attract more pollinators than individual plants scattered through the habitat patch. Where space allows, make the clumps four feet or more in diameter.
• Include flowers of different shapes. Bees are all different sizes, have different tongue lengths, and will feed on differently shaped flowers. Consequently, providing a range of flower shapes means more bees can benefit.
• Have a diversity of plants flowering all season. By having several plant species flowering at once and a sequence of plants flowering through spring, summer, and fall, you can support a range of bee species that fly at different times of the season.
• Use organic plants or buy flowers labeled as free of pesticide poison.
Resources on Bees and Bee Gardening
Are Neonicotinoid Pesticides Killing Bees?
Upper Midwest Plants for Bees
South Central Plants for Native Bees and Pollinators
General Plants for Bees
Native Bees for Agriculture
Three Steps to Help Bees and Butterflies
Build your own nests for Native Bees